WISE DC Announces 2019 Board; Names Chrys Sbily as Vice President
WASHINGTON, DC (January 14, 2019) — The Washington, D.C. Chapter of Women in Sports and Events (WISE) is pleased to announce its executive board for the new year and release its tentative calendar of events. WISE is the leading voice and resource for professional women working in sports. WISE has enjoyed 25 years of service as a national organization, expanding to 21 chapters across the US and Canada, with DC being its first chartered chapter. The 2019 board will include Leelannee Malin as president; Chrys Sbily as vice president; Courtney Counts Brown as treasurer and Mari Villalobos as treasurer. The new board will take a four-tiered approach for governance that focuses on innovative programming, building and maintaining strong partnerships, bringing added value to membership and enhance strategic industry engagement. Learn more about WISE by visiting wireworks.org or contact the chapter directly at wisewdc@gmail.com.